
We love our community

Connect with our local church groups during the week and become a part of our welcoming community – all are invited to join us!

Take a break

A community of seniors gathering for friendship, food and fun, at St Ronan’s Presbyterian Church hall, 234 Muritai Road. 11:15am to 1pm on the first Thursday of each month.

Thursday Communion

First Thursday of the month at St Ronan’s Church. 10.30am.


2pm to 4pm on 2nd Monday of the month.

Women’s Coffee Morning

From 10am on 3rd Monday of the month at Hive café.

Women’s Dinner

6pm on last Thursday of the month at ESSC (Eastbourne Sports and Services Club).

Men’s Group

6 to 8pm on 1st Wednesday of the month, at ESSC.

Gardening Group

Meets last Friday of the month in church gardens. From 9am.

Pop in and Play

Preschoolers and carers drop-in. Fridays in term time at St Ronan’s Church. 9-11.30am.

Silent Prayer Group

Join us to seek God in the silence, the stillness. 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at St Ronan’s Church, 4:30pm.